GSB may institute Web-based voting

Steven Brittain

The Government of the Student Body will decide Wednesday night whether to change the bylaws to allow for an electronic online-voting system, which would change the face of the GSB-election voting methods.The electronic-voting system would consist of a Web site students could visit to vote for student-government officials, said Gregory Tew, vice speaker of the senate.Tew said GSB has had plans to implement an electronic-voting system for the past year in an attempt to increase the low voting numbers that have plagued past elections. While the 2000 election drew 12 percent of the students to the polls, the 1999 election saw only 6 percent.”We changed our bylaws sometime last year… to say that all voting on campus will be done by electronic means,” Tew said. “We didn’t have time to implement it last year, so this year we are getting it started.”Proponents of electronic voting said they are very confident the new means of voting would be convenient both for students and candidates.GSB President Ben Golding said the new electronic method of voting would increase voter participation by increasing access to the voting process.”Most Iowa State students spend a good deal of their time on computers, so if they can just hop over to a Web site and vote, their lives are made that much easier,” he said.Tew, off campus, said the system is a win-win situation for everyone.”We’re going to get a much quicker, much more accurate vote,” Tew said. “Nothing but positives will come out of this.”While the electronic system is more organized and convenient than the old style of paper voting, some senators see potential drawbacks.Golding said he is not sure how voters and candidates would react to the new, non-traditional system.”It also invites people to campaign differently, so those types of rules will have to be watched closely,” he said.William Tinder, RCA, said even though he is fairly certain the voting would be secure, there is always the concern of hackers breaking into the system.Alex Olson, vice chairman of the finance committee, said GSB has taken the necessary precautions to ensure the voting system will be secure. He said GSB worked with the Computation Center to put together an impenetrable system.”We have confidence in them to create a very secure and reliable program,” Olson said. “It will allow people easier access to be able to vote, and the more people that vote, the better.”