Letter to the editor: Help us help you

Alex Rodeck

Today there will be two bills presented to GSB that concern students. These bills are in response to the proposed smoking ban in Ames’ restaurants.

One bill opposes the ban and one supports it. Senators representing you will be voting on these bills and will send their decision to the Ames City Council to help influence their decision in one direction or another. ISU students make up half of this town, our voice is important. To be heard you need to share that opinion with your senators. You can contact your senators by e-mail, and their addresses are on the GSB web site at www.gsb.iastate.edu

I encourage you to find your representative senator, or ANY senator for that matter, and contact them to share your view. I invite any student to contact me concerning this bill or any matter concerning your campus at [email protected]

While my official duty is an off-campus senator, I would be glad to hear from ANY student, on or off campus. The only way your voice can be heard is to tell your representatives. Please help us to help you.

Alex Rodeck


Animal science

Off-campus senator