Letter to the ediltor: Go to the source

A. M. Fink

GSB, Poison Ink and a variety of editorials and letters address the proposed increase in tuition. Many of these recognize that students should not be responsible for the lack of sufficient legislative appropriations.

Instead of appealing to the Board of Regents, perhaps it would be appropriate to go to the source of the need for more monies. This is an election year. Why don’t you use the democratic process to address the issue?

Drum up support from friends and neighbors and demand the people running for state representative and senate change their ways.

For example, the request for money to operate Howe Hall was specifically turned down. Is this part of the reason there were 43 unfilled positions this fall? This does affect the education students are getting. It is time for students to get political.

A. M. Fink ProfessorMathematics