ISU ag club members run to fight cancer

Erin Holmes

ISU agricultural club members are strapping on their running shoes in a daylong event to aid in the fight against cancer.

The ISU Agronomy Club, along with Alpha Zeta, the College of Agriculture’s honorary fraternity, are taking part in Story County’s Relay for Life, which will be held Feb. 20 at the Lied Recreation Center.

All of the proceeds raised will go toward the American Cancer Society for research, education, patient services and rehabilitation efforts.

“People participating are from major corporations all the way down to your college students and high school students,” said Dawn Refsell, vice president of the Agronomy Club.

Members of the organizations are forming a team. All teams in the event are responsible for having one person walking on the track at all times throughout the day, switching at half-hour intervals. Last year, the event raised $68,000, and participants traveled 4,600 miles.

“You can run or walk, so anybody can do it,” said Refsell, senior in agronomy.

Refsell said Agronomy Club members want to help out with the cause.

“We are doing this as a service project to help other people,” she said. “The main purpose and goal is to help find a cure for cancer.”

Group members said they realize the importance of the event.

“We need to help find a cure for the disease that hurts so many people and takes them from our lives,” said Kelly Lawrence, chancellor of Alpha Zeta.

The clubs are trying to raise money in a mutual endeavor for the race.

“We are asking for donations to sponsor the Agronomy Club and Alpha Zeta in this effort,” said Lawrence, junior in animal science. “We will be contacting local businesses to ask for their help.”

Refsell said donation jars have been placed in various ISU buildings that house agricultural classes.