GSB slates, IRHA try to involve residents

Amber Billings

In an effort to reach students who live in the residence halls, the slates campaigning for Government of the Student Body president and vice president met with the Inter-Residence Hall Association parliament.

The GSB candidates answered questions during an open forum at Thursday’s IRHA meeting. Although the presidential candidates were present at the meeting, the vice-presidential candidates took the lead in addressing concerns.

Many IRHA parliament representatives said they were concerned about how the candidates are going to increase student participation in the GSB elections. Some members referred to the 6-percent turnout during last year’s GSB elections.

Kara Ladlie, vice-presidential candidate with Matt Welk, said they have worked out a plan to get information back to the students.

“To get a direct link, we’ll give a report to hall directors to give to [resident assistants], who will then pass those on at floor meetings,” Ladlie said. She also said it was important to have that relay because “RAs are in contact with students every day.”

Personal attention was the focus of Alex Olson’s solution, who is the vice-presidential candidate running with Rick Cordaro.

“We’re gonna come back and talk to you, to listen, to meet the students at their meetings,” Olson said. “That’s the reason we exist.”

Curtis Cretin, Veishea Risk Management representative, wanted to know how the candidates are going to increase student interest in Veishea.

All of the candidates agreed that more students need to be involved in the celebration, and more information about the event should be relayed to ISU residents.

Luke Howell, vice-presidential candidate running with Wendell Mosby, said Veishea is a celebration that should be promoted more in the residence halls.

“[Veishea] is a part of ISU we can never take away,” Howell said. “It’s sad that the residence halls are under-represented in Veishea.”

Vice-presidential candidate Lisa Dlouhy, who’s running with Ben Golding, said a more diverse group of students need to engage in Veishea activities.

“There isn’t a diverse enough group of students participating in Veishea. It can be intimidating, [but] there has to be a stronger outreach to different students,” she said.

Following the open forum, IRHA discussed ISU Department of Residence policies.

IRHA Vice President Jeff Greiner updated the parliament on the department’s Terms and Conditions that the IRHA Internal Affairs Committee and Associate Director of Residence Virginia Arthur have been working on.

Greiner said there will be a new section detailing “Dining Dollars” next year, which may allow students to eat anywhere on campus under a set amount of money.

Rowdy half, the half-hour time slot during Dead Week and Finals Week when students do not have quiet hours, will be made official. Also, Greiner said IRHA has gained jurisdiction over the elevator and mural policy, and it will be discussed in upcoming meetings.