Greeks jump around for a worthy cause

Jerod Bruner

Anyone passing the corner of Beach Avenue and Lincoln Way within the past two days may have pondered why Iowa State students were jumping on a trampoline.

The answer: Jump-a-thon 1999.

The philanthropy collaboration between Phi Kappa Theta fraternity, 2110 Lincoln Way, and Chi Omega sorority, 227 Gray Ave., featured 48 straight hours of jumping.

The groups always had two people jumping, and the goal was to raise $500 for the Boys and Girls Club of Ames.

Eric Newendorp, Phi Kappa Theta member, said most of the money came from businesses that sponsored the event, but there were some donations as well.

Chi Omega member Courtney Brown said the jumping began on Tuesday morning and was scheduled to conclude Thursday.

However, the jump-a-thon ran into a little trouble on Wednesday evening when the trampoline broke.

“We had to add a few hours and didn’t end until noon on Thursday because we had to go get a new trampoline when the other one broke,” said Brown, junior in early childhood education and special education.

She said Wednesday evening they held a barbecue at the fraternity and invited members of the Boys and Girls Club to join in the festivities.

“It was a good chance for us to get to interact with some of the kids,” Brown said.

One of the sponsors of the event, radio station KCCQ 105.1, broadcast live from the event at various times, allowing participants a chance to be heard on the air, she said.

“Overall, it went great and [the proceeds] went to a wonderful cause,” Brown said. “Everyone was willing to help out, even if it was at 3 or 4 a.m. and was freezing out.”

Newendorp said members are hoping to continue the event in the future. “The past two years have been extremely successful and a lot of fun,” he said.