Aerosmith review

Sarah Ann Macomber

Ben Jones’ article, “Aerosmith provides ‘Sweet Emotion,'” left me livid and on the edge. He wrote “he [Steven Tyler] dashed around the stage like an Olympic runner on crystal meth,” and “Tyler alluded to his heroin addiction.”

Mr. Jones, do you understand libel? Do you honestly call yourself an Aerosmith fan? My educated answer to these questions is that you have no idea what you are talking about. It doesn’t take an idiot to know about the band’s troubles with addictions. However, it does take a true fan who religiously watches interviews with the band and who takes the time to read a current article about them, to know that Aerosmith is clean and sober and working hard to stay that way. It also takes a person with compassion to understand how hard it is to conquer the demons of drug and alcohol abuse and to not make insensitive remarks that only demerit a wonderful band. Don’t kick a man back down when he’s worked so hard to get up. Aerosmith has made it a point to let people know that they, as well as their performances, are drug free, so don’t make libelous comparisons. Instead of using all of the drug comparisons, why not write the truth and say, “Tyler alluded to his past heroin addiction,” and “Steven Tyler ran around the stage with more energy than performers half his age.”

Mr. Jones, at Friday night’s concert, you saw an explosive light show and energetic performers and heard some of the greatest songs of all time, but you sir, are a “crazy,” “blind man.”

Sarah Ann Macomber


English and secondary education