Dry Veishea resolution on agenda for GSB

Jennifer Spencer

Discussion will begin tonight on a resolution for a dry Veishea.

The Government of the Student Body meeting is at 7 p.m. in the Pioneer Room of the Memorial Union.

GSB must pass a resolution by Oct. 15 to support or oppose a dry Veishea celebration.

Kate Kjergaard, LAS senator, said senators are having trouble gauging student reaction to ISU President Martin Jischke’s proposal for a dry Veishea.

She said senators are talking with students to see what they think.

So far, reactions are mixed.

“Some people feel strongly about Veishea and have appreciated it in the past and will go dry to save it,” Kjergaard said. “There are also people who feel very strongly that it is their privilege to drink. The middle sector of people are hard to reach and see what they’re feeling.”

Kjergaard said senators have discussed ways to reach students.

“We’d like to have a booth at the Memorial Union to get a more formal poll of students,” Kjergaard said.

Nate Laverty, Inter-Fraternity Council, said fraternities are discussing their stand on a dry Veishea.

“Three or four houses discussed it in chapter and put it to a vote,” he said.

Laverty said the fraternities that had voted passed the resolution to support a dry Veishea.

“They’ve decided to go dry for Veishea and keep the tradition,” he said.

Kjergaard hopes students understand the good aspects of Veishea. “Having been on a Veishea committee, I saw a great side of it that others may not have seen,” she said.

“We need to focus on what Veishea is during the week for the ISU students,” Kjergaard said. “I think a change of focus would solve a lot of problems.”

Laverty also said he would support a dry Veishea. “If that’s what we need to do, that’s what we need to do,” he said.