Finding inspiration during a spring day

Rhaason Mitchell

Sorry to all you loyal readers that my wonderful words didn’t grace the page on Wednesday, but every once in a while the lyrical and verbal reservoir runs a little dry. Sometimes I run a little low on inspiration.

However, today after walking around on campus I remembered why I love this time of year and exactly why I am in college.

No, it has little or nothing to do with the sun and the sky, and very little to do with my education and my career goals.

It’s the flowers. Yes dammit, the flowers!

Okay fellas let me ask you this question: Have you ever noticed that it always seems like all — and I mean all — the loveliest, most beautiful “flowers” come out of the woodwork?

I know you have.

Doesn’t it always seem like that lovely “rosebud” that has been just chillin’ in the yard never makes itself known until the first real spring-like day?

It is amazing how a man such as myself can find inspiration in flowers, but I guess I wouldn’t be the man that I am if I didn’t.

Inspiration is a thing that happens to everyone at one time or another. It is a powerful event that sparks many different emotions and actions in a person’s life.

Ask writers and they will tell you they owe some of their best work to some sort of inspiration. It comes in many shapes and forms. There is the inspiration of a beautiful day, a hot babe (no offense), a hot date, or a hype-ass ride (excuse the Ebonics).

It’s not always present, sometimes it can be absent. Then begins the all out search for it. Mine was lost for a while, and I racked my brain to find some more, its not like you can just pick it up at Onion’s or something.

However after walking around on campus on Wednesday I managed to find something to inspire me. Just a little sumin’ that got the creative juices flowing again.

Just a few little “flowers” that got me thinking. Some of a variety that I had never seen before, others I had seen but for some reason seemed so much more appealing today than the day before.

Now of course my inspiration is not yours, and yours is not the next guy’s turning the corner. And you may not be inspired in the way that I am or vice-versa, but hey, it’s all the same.

There is the inspiration of a friend pushing you to move on, or your mom just giving you a hug and letting you know everything will be fine.

There is the inspiration of that certain someone telling you she loves you or the inspiration that comes over you when you know you are in love and you know you are loved back.

Inspiration has the power to change men’s minds and to spur people’s … well, umm let’s just call it their emotions. I think that will about cover it.

Actors get inspiration too bad whenever they win awards they have to tell everyone and their mammas about it.

Athletes have theirs, just ask Jordan, Magic, The Big Hurt and The Big Unit.

Stephen King has his (as weird as it might be) even Crichton, Koontz, Steele and Clancy have some from time to time.

Inspiration can give you the strength to do the things you never knew or thought that you couldn’t do. It can bring you the things you want and those you need. It can bring into your life the people you want and, remove the ones you don’t.

Inspiration can break down the walls of racism and injustice. It can build bridges, write books, paint pictures and save lives.

I found today’s inspiration in the spring blossoms particularly in the beautiful roses.

It doesn’t matter where or how you find your inspiration what is important is what you do with it. Written in the “flowers” of a beautiful spring day is where I found my inspiration, where will you find yours?

I’m out! Holla if you hear me!

Rhaason Mitchell is a junior in journalism and mass communication from Chicago.