Bill passed in hopes of more votes

Tara Deering

With hopes to get more Iowa State students out to vote, the Government of the Student Body passed a bill to allocate funding for this year’s GSB elections.

In a vote of 21 to 3, GSB decided to give about $1,200 to the Election Commission to help pay for advertising and printing to promote the elections, which will be held Feb. 25-27.

In addition, after making some changes to the budget of a bill to allocate funding for the Ames Head Start Center, the senate passed the bill with a vote of 21 to 3.

The Ames Head Start Center received nearly $3,700 that will be used to provide 44 days of transportation for ISU students with children.

Parents, children and workers involved in the Ames Head Start Center were present at the meeting.

Trish Sandahl, graduate, was the author of the bill. She said everyone involved with the Ames Head Start Center thanked GSB for their support.

Without much debate, the GSB senate allocated almost $7,000 to the Sports Club Council’s two new groups.

The new sports club groups, Kum Do and the Women’s Hockey Team, received funding for equipment.

Two representatives from the Women’s Hockey Team were present at the meeting.

The money will be taken out of the Special Projects account.

“I think this is great,” said Casey Powers, interfraternity. “This is what the Special Projects account is for.”

The bill passed with a vote of 24 to 0.

A bill to allocate funding for the Interfraternity Council Annual Regional Convention trip passed with a vote of 18 to 4, after the total funding decreased from $1875.04 to $444.48.

The Iowa State Interfraternity Council withdrew the cost of lodging and dues from their budget.