GSB looks to revive council

Tracy Deutmeyer

Iowa State Government of the Student Body officials hope that after a two-year absence, the GSB Executive Council will soon take stage again.

John Tannehill, GSB chief of staff, said following a cabinet meeting late last week that the executive council would be a group made up of leaders of ISU’s student organizations.

He said about 40-50 people could be members of the group — about the same number of people that has served on the council in past years.

Tannehill said the group, which would meet on a biweekly basis, would likely pick two large issues to address each semester in an advisory capacity.

He said the cabinet has sent out questionnaires to possible council members, including residence hall association executives, to ask leaders about problems on campus.

Cabinet members hope to form a basic agenda for the council from the questionnaires.

“From this, we hope to set the pace for this year,” Tannehill said.

In other plans for the semester, GSB officials said they hope to partner with STV-9, Iowa State’s student television station, to present an “Inside GSB” show this spring.

Tannehill said Ryan Burchett, GSB director of lectures, arts and entertainment, will host the show.

The show is designed as an opportunity for GSB President Adam Gold, senators and cabinet members to voice their concerns about timely issues.

“It will also be a time for senators to discuss bills they have written,” Tannehill said.

A time slot has not yet been determined. Tannehill said the first show should air the second week of February.

In other business:

* Rodney Morris, TRA, has been chosen as “Senator of the Semester” for being “helpful and courteous” during GSB-sponsored functions.

* Gold has discussed the possibility of more pay-parking spaces on campus for students with ISU President Martin Jischke.

The president said he will look into it.