Attendence is again weak at Constitutional Convention

Tara Deering

Another Government of the Student Body Constitutional Convention meeting was put on hold Sunday night after only half of the delegates needed for a quorum showed up.

“We need half the seated delegates present at the meeting for it to be an official meeting and open to the public,” said Jamey Hansen, Senate vice chairman.

A combined total of 20 people have attended the two official Constitutional Convention meetings.

Hansen said officials are looking for ways to generate interest.

Those present Sunday did have an informal discussion.

Issues included how the president of GSB should be chosen, vacant delegate positions, the role of the president and developing ways to get people involved.

“We hope to ask students what they want in their student government,” Hansen said.

Dean of Students Kathleen MacKay is an ex-officio delegate. Hansen said she has been involved in all of the GSB Constitutional Convention proceedings.

Dean MacKay is also involved with a research committee that is looking at the student government constitutions of other universities and colleges, said Doug Miller, RCA delegate.

“We are examining seven or eight other universities’ constitutions to formulate ideas and see if there are any changes we might like to make to the ISU GSB constitution,” Miller said.

Miller said the committee is looking at constitutions from the University of Iowa, Texas Tech, Oklahoma State and Arizona State, among others.

* In other GSB business, students slated for executive slots in the 1997 GSB elections began petitioning for students’ signatures.

Students interested in running for president and vice president are required to have 2,000 signatures on their petitions.

Ryan Flaugh, elections commissioner, would not release the names of the six students who have expressed an interest in running for president.