GSB covers upcoming bills

Tara Deering

With no unfinished business to discuss, the Government of the Student Body discussed upcoming bills at Wednesday night’s meeting.

A bill to allocate funding for the Constitutional Convention was debated. The convention asked GSB for $313 to help with the costs of photocopies, advertising in the Iowa State Daily and an Iowa Communications Network conference with the University of Iowa and the University of Northern Iowa.

Rob Ruminski, LAS, addressed the issue of attendance at recent Constitutional Convention meetings. Ruminski questioned allocating money to the convention, at this point in time, because of the low attendance.

Jamey Hansen, vice chairman, agreed that getting enough delegates and people to attend the meetings in order to have a quorum has been a problem.

Hansen encouraged the senators and others to get involved in the process of rewriting the constitution. He also said meeting times for the Constitutional Convention will be announced in two to three days.

“If you don’t want to fund it right now, we will be coming back to you later,” Hansen said.

Mike Pogge, LAS, has also been involved in the Constitutional Convention.

He said they can’t stop the convention from proceeding. “We need to keep doing committee work so we can get the best possible government,” Pogge said.

An amendment to change the number of funded constitution copies from 1,500 to 1,000 copies on the bill passed 27 to 2.

GSB also discussed a bill to allocate funding for the Interfraternity Council Annual Regional Convention trip.

Mark Holm, LAS, spoke on behalf of the Interfraternity Council, and he spoke about some of the things the council would bring back to Iowa State. One of the things that will be discussed at the convention is how to deal with and solve alcohol related problems in the Greek system, Holm said.

A bill to allocate funding to new sports clubs was discussed.

A bill to fund the election commissioner a stipend of $300 passed unanimously.

*In other news

GSB Senator Travis Keister, business, completed his last GSB meeting last night after resigning.