Planning to finish what she started

Tim Frerking

For every election held, there is an organizer behind it. Voters get to vote on their favorite candidates and chose who the election auditor will be.

Judy Emmons, a democrat, has been the Story County auditor since 1992. She is finishing her first term, but prior to this term she served as the deputy auditor since 1978. This coming year will be her 20th working in county government.

Experience, she said, is her strong point.

Emmons said she wants to complete the projects she began in order to make the office more efficient for Story County citizens and businesses.

“My goal is to finish what I started in getting our real estate/financial computer software rewritten,” she said.

In addition, she would like to find ways to get more people, especially young adults, involved in elections.

“I would like to continue working with the [State of Iowa] County Auditor Affiliate to find ways to increase voter participation,” she said.

“What can we do to impress upon these students how important it is that they vote?” she asked rhetorically.

After the election the office will tally the election results, but nothing will be official, she said, until 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 12.

Then the office, if she is elected, will start “working on evaluation reports on property.” The reports will total the worth of Story County property. Currently Story County has a property tax limitation until 1998. She wants to look at the history of past expenditures and plan for the future.

Emmons said she is “proud to be a democrat.” She is running against republican candidate John T. Anderson.