Different people, different jobs

Eden Thacker

Deantrious Mitchell was doing his job the morning he was assaulted.

Mitchell was working for the Union Drive Association security when he was assaulted, but the residence hall security is not part of the Department of Public Safety.

Cass Topinka, a security officer for the RCA residence halls said student security officers cannot report on the assault incident, which took place early Friday morning. However, the functions of officers may be discussed.

“Each housing area has its own student security, which is a separate unit from the DPS, however all the security units, including DPS, work hand in hand,” she said.

“The student security for the RCA residence halls wear black uniforms. Their main function is to make sure everyone is safe, since safety is the primary concern,” Topinka said.

Student officers patrol parking lots, halls and dining facilities on foot, she said.

“Safety is the main priority and security officers take preventative measures through communication, which includes speaking to resident assistants, hall directors and DPS,” Topinka said.

Jerry Stewart, associate director of the DPS, said DPS student reserve officers perform a number of tasks across the campus, but are not to be confused with the residence hall security officers like Mitchell.

“SROs have the ability to lock and unlock certain buildings and assist in incidents of lockouts, such as people locking their keys in their cars, or professors leaving keys in the classroom,” he said.

Students who wish not to walk alone on campus at night may call DPS and request an escort, which is a service the DPS provides using student officers, Stewart said.

“Student officers use golf carts and bicycles to patrol campus, however walking is the most common means while on patrol,” Stewart said.

He said DPS officers also aid student reserve officers in certain duties and guide them through the field training process.

“Any student can apply to become a SRO, but DPS will perform background checks,” Stewart said. “These individuals apply for a job and the DPS and once the background checks are completed, applicants go through field training.”

The students with the parking division of the DPS who distribute tickets are merely employees who are not trained in security and are not a part of the student reserve officers or residence hall security, Stewart said.

Freshman Heather Sutton, an industrial engineering student and resident of Willow Hall, said, “I usually see student security after 11 p.m., and I’m glad we have security in the residence halls because it makes me feel more safe knowing that I am protected.”

Adam Jackson, a sophomore in biology and resident of Helser Hall, said, “Every night the student security patrols the area, and it is comforting to know that someone is watching what is going on.”