GSS takes up ‘skyrocketing’ bicycle use on ISU campus

Luke Dekoster

Bicycle use on the Iowa State campus has “skyrocketed,” said Doug Houghton, Department of Public Safety Parking Division coordinator.

Houghton was the featured speaker during the open forum portion of the Graduate Student Senate meeting, held Monday night in the Gallery Room of the Memorial Union.

Houghton estimated 4,000 to 6,000 students use their bikes every day. However only 4,000 parking spots exist. A large part of DPS’s $50,000 bicycle allocation goes to the installation of the new, “aesthetic,” black hoop bicycle racks that are popping up all over campus.

He said the spring semester will find increased enforcement by DPS personnel of both parking and riding violations by bicyclists.

He mentioned that one-third of DPS’s $1.6 million budget pays employees’ salaries, many of whom are students.

Houghton also shared some of the programs which his department has instituted: the escort service, Help Van and a free shuttle to the Iowa State Center parking lot as part of the orange route on Cy-Ride.

In other business:

* The Senate passed the 1997-98 GSB/GSS Asset Funding Priorities unanimously, except for one abstention. The legislation was amended by Senator Robert Livingston to read, “a high priority should be placed on … programs that foster interracial and/or cultural understanding.”

This resolution was referred to Government of the Student Body, because it was unclear if the GSB had previously approved it.

* The 1996 allocations to graduate and professional student organizations was also passed by the Senate. GSS President Kevin Ragland noted that associations which did not receive funding would be notified and given an opportunity to appeal the decision.