Back from the grave, Disco Hell II

Aaron Barstow

Burn, baby, burn up the dance floor in your styling retro duds at Disco Hell II.

Back by popular demand, the Maintenance Shop is yet again pulling out past hits for your disco pleasure this Thursday night.

The party starts at 9 p.m. and will mostly likely last until midnight, if not later.

Disco Hell II, an idea brought to us all from the mind of Rusty Pohner, M-Shop program adviser, is “a dip back into the disco genre,” explained Dave Newton, M-shop director.

It’s also a costume party, so either dig out those bell bottoms or dress up in your Halloween attire. It’s not required, but Newton says those who do not will be “frowned upon.”

If you need an incentive to get decked out in platform shoes and frilly v-necks, let it be known prizes will be awarded for the best costumes.

“There will be cash prizes, tickets, CDs and the usual big bowl of candy and condoms,” Newton said.

Disco Hell I went extremely well, and Newton suggests the purchase of tickets in advance from the Ticketmaster window above the M-Shop.

“It was pretty packed. Lots of fashion, polyester, bright colors and tight clothes. People seemed to have a lot of fun,” he said.

The guys might be interested in knowing that at the previous Disco Hell, the girl to guy ratio was huge, according to Newton.

“The females had a great time,” he said.

For $5, anyone can join this “fun gathering of costumed disco friends,” Newton said, where once again old tunes from Abba and Saturday Night Fever will reign.