Candace Gingrich to speak at Iowa State

Aaron Barstow

Candace Gingrich, the lesbian half-sister of Newt Gingrich, speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, will be examining the anti-gay comments of her brother next Wednesday, Oct. 18, in the Memorial Union.

Candace Gingrich is coming to Iowa State as a part of the Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Alliance’s National Coming Out Week activities, said Kevin Sime, coordinator of the week’s events.

Gingrich’s speech, “Family Matters,” will focus on her relationship with her brother and also on coming-out issues as a whole.

Sime said there is a movement of religious institutions “to squash” gay individuals back into the closet. “Her brother is a big part of that,” he said.

Gingrich, Sime said, was happy to drop by ISU. She is a national spokeswoman for the Human Rights Campaign Fund, the country’s largest gay lobbying group. Gingrich had been a UPS worker until recently.

“I am excited to have her here. It shows that everyday people can get involved and make a difference,” Sime said.

Gingrich’s speech begins at 8 p.m. in the Sun Room of the Union.

“I would really encourage everyone to come and ask questions,” Sime said.

A reception will follow afterward, but Sime said there is no guarantee everyone who wants to will have a chance to talk with Gingrich.

Anyone interested in having the opportunity to meet with Gingrich is encouraged to attend a dinner with her before the scheduled speech.

“It will be pretty informal,” Sime said. “She’ll chat to people … there won’t be any formal speech or anything.”

About 40 people could potentially attend the Wednesday dinner, which will be held at Cafe Luc’s, 400 Main St., Sime said. A cash bar will open at 5:30 p.m., and dinner should start about 6 p.m.

Tickets will be sold for $10 to students and low-income individuals and $25 for non-students. Purchases can be made by calling Sime at 292-2911.

All proceeds from the dinner will go directly to LGBA for funding of other projects, such as bringing other speakers to campus.