Don’t forget to relax during final stretch

Hannah Dodds

34 days. There are 34 days left until final’s week is over and every ounce of stress is lifted off your shoulders. The month of April is probably one of the most stressful months for college students and with so many things going on, we usually forget to stop, take a breath and relax.

Its time to take a break and focus on yourself for 20 minutes. Stretching and yoga are two of the most effective ways to relieve stress and get your mind back on track. Here are some yoga poses and stretches you can use to refuel your energy.

1. Breathing Exercises

2. Downward Dog into Upward Dog

3. Glute Stretch

4. Wide-legged Child’s Pose

5. Seated Quad Stretch

6. Pigeon Pose into Extended Pigeon Pose

7. Beind the back Neck Stretch

8. Cat  Cow

9. Spinal Twist

10. Thread the Needle

11. Seated Pose

12. Child’s Pose

If you aren’t already an avid stretcher, 1. You should become one, and 2. Head over to the Iowa State Daily website and check out the April workout video. It will be a very helpful tool in visualizing how these moves should look.