Get your body in shape for fast-approaching Spring Break


Avocados are one option for maintaining a well balanced meal. 

Hannah Dodds

Spring Break may be a month away, but we all know it’s been on our minds since Christmas. You’ve planned the trip, the outfits and saved up just enough money to make it the best week possible.

I’m sure in all the excitement and planning you’ve stopped to think about how ready you aren’t to walk around in a bikini, and you’ve also talked yourself into believing your Spring Break bod will magically appear.

The following tips will help you reach your Spring Break body goals without painful workouts and killer diets:

1. Make your own food (or pay attention to portion sizes)

When eating at dining halls or restaurants, it is easy to overeat. A lot. Watching what you eat and your portion sizes can make tremendous differences in the way you feel and the way you look.

2. Set a schedule

It is much easier to keep your life on track if you have a set schedule to go by every day. Set a schedule and time everything out. Write down all of your classes, meals and workouts. Even if you don’t follow it exactly, it will still be there to guide you and give you a visual of what you want to accomplish during the day.

3. Sleep

If I have learned anything in my lifetime, it’s that sleep is the most important part of a healthy life. Sleep not only regenerates your body but also allows your mind to relax. Getting the right amount of sleep at night will give your body what it needs to make it through difficult days and keep you looking and feeling healthy.

4. Work out with a buddy

Working out is hard enough as it is, and working out alone doesn’t help much. Find a friend to work out with you and keep you motivated. If someone other than yourself is counting on you to show up to the gym and give it your all, you will be 100 times more likely to look forward to and enjoy working out.

5. Water

This, much like sleep, is super important to your health. Water releases toxins and keeps your body moving and going. Water will keep you looking skinnier and keep you from mistaking thirst for hunger. You can have a healthy feeling and looking body by drinking the right amount of water every day.