Tanning offers benefits despite negative light

Bailey Brooker

There is a lot of skepticism about tanning salons. Websites are dedicated to the harmfulness of salon tanning, evening TV news shows have segments on the dangers of them and you can read about it in most health magazines.

However, there have been found to be many positive effects as well.

“Tanning can help reduce eczema breakouts, along with helping reduce acne. It also increases Vitamin D levels and helps boost your mood,” said Alee Hugen, sales associate from Sizzlin’ Cabana in Ames.

Recent studies show 75 percent of young teens and adults have a deficiency in Vitamin D. Being exposed to the sun for a minimum of 20 minutes per day is essential to keep the body healthy. Vitamin D is used by the body to promote calcium absorption. Without it, a number of skeletal diseases could occur.

“Numerous published studies have concluded that Vitamin D might play a role in preventing everything from cancer and cardiovascular disease to Alzheimer’s, diabetes, depression, immune function and weight gain,” according to the WashingtonPost.com.

Because tanning indoors is very concentrated for a long amount of time, the chance of burning is lowered. When someone is transitioning to outdoor tanning, one is likely to be exposed for a much longer period of time.

The first sunburn of the year is arriving as many students begin turning to outdoor activities.

“Tanning in a salon will help your skin not get as burned when you go to tan outside,” Hugen said.

Hugen recommends medium pressure beds to get the skin most prepared for harsh outdoor rays.

There are ways to make tanning inside and outside healthier for everyone. Everything is good in moderation, but it is important to take some preventive measures. When tanning indoors, be sure to wear protective eyewear. It is also important to give the skin enough time to recover in between tanning sessions.

“It is salon policy that each customer waits at least 24 hours, sometimes 48 hours depending on the bed, before tanning again,” Hugen said.

For outdoor tanning, it is important to use sunscreen and reapply it frequently. Wearing sunglasses can help protect the eyes from harmful UV rays. Also, be aware of how long one is exposed to the sun as it can cause permanent damage to the skin. Certain skin cancers are a reality if one is constantly overexposed.