Fraternity to host first annual 4K Hay Run for Cancer
Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity will host the first annual 4K Hay Run for Cancer on Central Campus at 6 p.m. April 17.
April 14, 2015
Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity will host the first annual 4K Hay Run for Cancer on Central Campus at 6 p.m. Friday.
The run is for any skill set, from beginner to advanced, and will include a few minor obstacles.
“Throughout the course there will be various hay bale obstacles, including hurdles, pyramids and other structures that require jumping and climbing,” said Ryan Gallus, sergeant-at-arms for Delta Sigma Phi.
The Hay Run has a $10 fee and registration can be accessed on AccessPlus under the “Student” tab. Students can either charge it to their U-Bill or pay immediately by clicking the “Pay now” option. Students may also register on the day of the race from 4 to 6 p.m.
There will be gift cards awarded to the top three runners and 90 percent of the proceeds will go toward cancer efforts.
“We have decided that for whatever Greek chapter or student organization brings the most people to our event, we will donate the remaining 10 percent of funds raised to the charity of their choice,” Gallus said.
The 4K for Cancer organization does a 4,000-mile trek across the United States to raise awareness, money and bring hope to families impacted by cancer.