Jonathan Narcisse’s personal profile and political positions

Danielle Ferguson

Jonathan Narcisse

Party Affiliation: Iowa Party

Candidate for: Governor of Iowa

Age: 51

Hometown: Des Moines

Political History:

-Co-chair Polk County Democratic Party: 1984-1986

-U.S. House of Representatives: Congressman Fauntroy 1984 and 1987

Job History: Narcisse is the editor in chief of the Iowa Bystander and publisher of El Comunicador.

The issues


Narcisse has said one of his main focuses in the future in education is opting Iowa out of No Child Left Behind and the Common Core programs. He also suggests offering free college to Iowans who attend public or private Iowa colleges in exchange for community service and staying in Iowa each year for every year for which college is paid. Narcisse also wants to merge grades 11 and 12 with community colleges. 

Jobs/The Economy: 

Narcisse has said he wants to create a tiered minimum wage structure that would attempt to “level the playing field for employers and new young workers who need valuable on the job experience,” according to his campaign site. He has also proposed eliminating youth minimum wages because, he said, the wage hinders employers from hiring teens. Repealing the youth minimum wage would provide students more opportunities to learn how to work and stay focused, according to his campaign site. 

Narcisse said he wants to see Iowa grow by reforming Iowa’s tax code, high wage full employment and a Every Working Iowan Economic Empowerment Initiative. This, he said, would be essential to the local and state economies. 

Environment/Climate Change:

Narcisse has said he believes Iowa’s efforts to protect air quality are adequate. He disagrees, though, that Iowa’s efforts in water quality are not adequate. He said there needs to be a collaboration between citizens, farmers, businesses and experts to create a plan to improve water quality. 


Campaign site:

Twitter: @NarcisseforIowa