Steve King’s personal profile and political positions

Alex Hanson

Steve King 

Party Affiliation: Republican

Candidate for: US House of Representatives, Iowa’s 4th Congressional District

Age: 65

Hometown: Storm Lake, Iowa

Political History:

–Iowa House of Representatives: 1997-2003

–US House of Representatives: 2003-present

Job History: Founded King Construction, 1975

The issues:


King says competition for student loans in the free market would bring down interest rates, which would lead to less of a burden on student loans after college. King also said he supports the federal Pell Grant program, but says with a federal budget deficit, there may not be money to pay for an expansion. King also believes more education decisions should be left for states to decide instead of the Department of Education.

Jobs/The Economy:

King said government should “stay out of the way” when it comes to taxes and regulations, a tactic which would then lead to job growth and creation. King supports lowering the corporate tax rate, as well. King supports the “Fair Tax” system, which would repeal all income taxes and replace it with a national sales tax. King does not support an increase in the minimum wage and says a minimum wage should be set at the state level, not by the federal government.

Environment/Climate Change:

King said there is some evidence that the Earth is warming, but said it is still open to debate on whether humans are contributing. King said the government should not mandate regulations related to climate change, as they will hurt businesses. King also said functions of the Environmental Protection Agency, or the EPA, should be left up to states.


Campaign site:

Twitter: Personal: @SteveKingIA, Campaign: @KingForCongress
