Astronauts cast votes from aboard International Space Station

CNN Wire Service

Despite soaring 242 miles above the earth, the three American astronauts on board the International Space Station have already officially cast their ballots for the midterm elections.

As Americans across the U.S. head to the polls this election day, citizens flying high above the U.S. fulfilled their civic duties as well.

Navy Capt. Scott Kelly, U.S. Army Col. Douglas Wheelock and physicist Shannon Walker used a special “secure line” to the Johnson Space Center, which relayed the votes to the astronauts’ respective home counties.

“It’s an honor and a privilege to exercise our right as U.S. citizens to vote from the International Space Station,” said Kelly, who said he voted on Sunday.

David Wolf was the firm American to cast a ballot from space. He voted from the Russian space station Mir in 1997.