Schneider, Darr will begin year as execs

Nicole Paseka

The students of Iowa State have a new Government of the Student Body president and vice president.

T.J. Schneider and Joe Darr defeated the slate of Steve Medanic and Andrew Kothenbeutel by a vote of 1,818 to 1,047 to win the presidency.

As they take office, the two said they will leave their office doors open to students at all times.

“We need to make sure we remember why we’re in office,” Schneider said. “The reason we’re in office are the students of Iowa State University.”

Steve Skutnik, election commissioner for GSB and Daily columnist, announced the results of the election at 8:30 p.m. Thursday in the Pioneer Room of the Memorial Union. Skutnik said 11.3 percent of the student body participated in the election.

“The slates were fairly evenly matched this year,” Schneider said of his competitors. “I think we were able to connect more with students.”

Schneider and Darr said they were both somewhat surprised by the results of the election.

“I about fainted,” Schneider said, who immediately telephoned his parents back home on their ranch in Valentine, Neb., to tell them the good news.

“I was dazed,” Darr said. “I was just out of it.”

Schneider said he and Darr did not know what to expect Thursday night.

“We felt a good response from the student body, but it was still a complete surprise,” Schneider said. “The student voice was heard.”

Schneider and Darr said their administration faces several challenges in the future, but they are prepared to deal with whatever obstacles may arise.

“I think the largest challenge is still the economic condition of the state of Iowa,” Schneider said. “We need to make sure students know that Iowa State is still affordable and that a degree is invaluable.”

Initiatives the two are planning to pursue include: implementing a university-endorsed Dead Week policy and Reading Days; increasing the service hours of the Moonlight Express; revamping the current teaching evaluation system; working to improve the internal structure of GSB; and maintaining the academic climate at Iowa State by keeping tuition reasonable and the quality of education high.

“I think Joe and I’s campaign promises are promises we will be able to follow through on,” Schneider said.