Golding addresses state of the campus

Steven Brittain

Government of the Student Body President Ben Golding said administration relations, the upcoming legislative agenda, the quality of student life and university-wide academics are main concerns for GSB in his State of the Campus Address Wednesday night.

Golding said the relationship between the university administration and the student body is at an all-time high.

“The more faith that you put into the administration, the more faith they will put in you,” Golding said. “We’ve been working with an interim president who is open, forth-coming and patient. There’s been a change of attitude that has led to an opening of the lines of communication between the students and administration.”

The student president also said the legislative agenda for the upcoming semester and for next year will be high on the government’s priority list. He said one of the biggest topics GSB will pursue will be the tax-free textbooks legislation.

“The legislative agenda is very aggressive for next year,” Golding said. “We are trying very hard to get textbooks to be tax-free, not only at the University and Campus Book Stores, but on a statewide level.”

GSB needs to tackle a subject that they really haven’t handled in the past — university-wide academics, Golding said. He called for a complete overhaul of the end-of-semester teacher evaluations that students are required to fill out.

“Academics are one thing that GSB hasn’t thrown much weight into in the past,” he said. “An entire revamp of the teacher-evaluation system is underway. We’re looking to create a universal evaluation that we could even possibly post online for students to look at and see how a teacher has been rated in the past.”

Alex Olson, off campus, said Golding’s speech was thorough, and it emphasized the topics the senate has been working to improve.

“I think that Ben’s address was a fair assessment of the issues the we, as a senate, have been working to push forward,” Olson said. “I believe the senate looks forward to working with the president and his cabinet to get these goals accomplished.”

Golding said GSB has only one semester left to do everything its members set out to do for this academic year. He issued a challenge, not only to the senators, but to the executive branch and the cabinet to be the best they can be.

“I challenge all of you to improve on what you came into office hoping to do,” Golding said. “I also challenge myself, [Vice President] Lisa [Dlouhy], and the rest of the leadership of the Government of the Student Body to make this semester the best one ever.”