Letter to the editor: Daily misrepresents what IRHA is about

Steve Skutnik

Regarding the Thursday editorial concerning the Hawthorn Court decision, the Daily has clearly misrepresented the situation with Hawthorn Court and IRHA. For one, implying that IRHA is essentially comprised of “ice cream socials” and “brother and sister floors” is like implying that GSB exists for the sole purpose bickering and throwing out money to clubs, and that the Daily exists only to air the liberal tripe of five editors. Obviously, these suppositions all fly in the face of reason. IRHA is not in fact responsible for the “ice cream socials” that the Daily lampoons or the “brother and sister floors,” rather this is strictly the domain of local residence hall governments. Rather, IRHA exists for the stated purpose of representing student interests within the context of the terms and conditions for living establishments set by the Department of Residence. While most obviously “apartments aren’t dorms,” they still fall under the terms and conditions set by the DOR. Thus, to characterize the idea of joining IRHA as counter to Hawthorn Court’s interests is at best farcical and clearly in contradiction to reason. Hawthorn Court is entitled to self-determination, however the Daily Editorial Staff (once again) has clearly failed to frame the issue within its proper context. Perhaps when both the Daily Editorial Staff and the residents of Hawthorn Court realize the simple fact that IRHA’s main reason for existence is to represent the interests of students who live under the terms and conditions of the DOR they will come to a similar conclusion: IRHA representation is in the best interests of ALL students living under Department of Residence terms and conditions- Hawthorn Court included. Steve Skutnik


Physics RCA at-large representative to IRHA