GSB leaders eager to meet constituents

Carrie Tett

Every student at Iowa State is represented by at least two senators on the Government of the Student Body. However, members of GSB fear most students do not know who those representatives are or how they can help.

To squelch that fear, GSB is hosting a “Meet Your Government Day” today from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. south of the Campanile.

“Sometimes it’s so hard to get feedback from our constituents,” said Michel Pogge, off-campus senator and coordinator of Meet Your Government Day. “We’re trying to come to you.”

Throughout the day, all GSB senators, GSB President Matt Craft, Vice President Garrett Toay and many members of the executive cabinet will be at the outdoor tent, serving cookies and refreshments and speaking with students.

“You can just talk to the students one on one — that’s what we’re here for, to represent the students,” Pogge said.

Craft said this is the first time GSB has held an event like this of this magnitude.

“There’s been a conscious effort by a lot more senators and cabinet members to get out there and take part in this,” he said.

The day will not only be an opportunity for students to put faces with names of GSB leaders, Craft said, but also for leaders to get some feedback from the students on what they want from their student government.

“It will be a good chance to get some dialogue going,” he said. “Ultimately, that’s what drives our agenda.”

Toay said many students think GSB is inaccessible.

“It just kind of gives a chance to let students know that we’re not all about business all the time,” he said.

Pogge said he got the idea for the event from at a student government conference held at the University of Colorado in Boulder two years ago.

“We’ve just been hot and heavy trying to get this put together,” he said. “I think this is being very well received in GSB — I just hope students get out and participate.”

Although Pogge does not know how many students will turn out for the event, he hopes the weather will be nice and people will just stop by the tent to see what is going on.

“I hope we have a thousand people out there throughout the day,” he said. “If we get a hundred, I’ll be happy.”