Catt Hall meetings draw mixed reactions

Carrie Tett

A committee for review of the Catt Hall controversy was created by the Government of the Student Body to recommend specific actions for closure of the issue, but recent meetings have members divided about the group’s effectiveness.

The committee has met three times since the members were chosen through an application process in April. The last meeting, which was held June 12, did not draw enough members for the committee to reach quorum, said Alicia Kaiser, a student committee member.

“We had an informal discussion,” she said. “We didn’t make much progress.”

“Because we did not have a quorum, no decisions could be made on any issue, even basic things like how to structure the committee and future presentations and discussions,” said Lynn Wellnitz, a staff member on the committee.

Kaiser said the meeting didn’t end on very positive terms, and that two women, Blue Maas, a staff member, and Jan Berran, an alumnus member, argued near the end of the meeting.

“People just seemed really discouraged,” Kaiser said. “We’re not making any headway.”

Matt Ostanik, GSB resource person for the committee and senator who proposed the committee to the senate in the spring, said he is not too concerned by any conflict among the committee members.

“It’s a very difficult situation,” he said. “I don’t expect it to always run perfectly smoothly.”

According to the committee draft proposal, the purpose of the committee is to: “1. Review historical information about Carrie Chapman Catt in an attempt to find out to what extent, if any, her actions were racist, xenophobic, and classist; 2. Investigate the naming process that occurred for Catt Hall to determine whether that process adequately addressed any found historical