Fitness Challenge: Kari Dockum, week #2

Kari Dockum

Carlos O’Kelly’s, Subway, Jeff’s Pizza (twice)… I’m embarrassed to say my weekend meals included food from all three of these restaurants. So much for eating healthy this week.

I fell off the proverbial wagon this week and went back to my old routine of infrequent gym trips and delicious — in other words, not good for me — meals. I went to the gym Monday and Friday, following my Couch to 5k program, but I didn’t meet my goal of three trips a week.

As for my diet, I ate an apple Wednesday… I think that’s the extent of my healthy eating. Combine that with my rocky relationship with Lied and I don’t think the scale is my friend right now.

Unfortunately I don’t have anyone dragging my butt to the gym every day, and I don’t have someone force-feeding me healthy food each meal. However, this week is the time to rededicate myself to this fitness challenge. I don’t know exactly how to do that, but I need to dig deep within myself and figure it out.

On the bright side, I went tanning four times last week. If only I had as much motivation to work out as I do to tan.