Fitness challenge: Moriah Smith, Week 2

Moriah Smith

For the past week, I was generally pretty good about sticking to my word as far as eating healthy and working out. I’ve realized though, that one slip up can really mess up the whole regimen. 

For example, eating Flying Burrito for dinner makes me feel incredibly unmotivated to do my Jillian Michaels workout DVD once I get home because I’m full for the rest of the night. I do believe that on that night I actually put it off till the next day. It felt like a pretty good excuse at the time. 

Speaking of excuses, the Super Bowl seemed like a pretty good one to eat whatever I wanted today. M&Ms, pizza, chips and queso, delicious. It won’t seem so worth it when I step on the scale tomorrow morning. 

It’s time to stop making excuses, clean out my fridge, and buy some fresh fruits and veggies and whole grains to eat. Maybe that will make my short work outs more effective. We’ll see about that next week.