Fitness Challenge: Trey Hemmingsen, introduction

I’m really glad that I was talked into doing this fitness challenge because I’ve become the biggest pile that I ever have been. I’m so easily influenced by my friends when it comes to going out to eat, and calls to various pizza places on the weekends flourish in my phone after a weekend. (I like to think that it’s because I’m generous when I stay at friends and feed their hunger too…. Not the case.)

In high school, I was more active and I actually lost weight when I came to college freshman year. Not sure how that happened. Right now, I could stand losing the moobs and a little weight before spring break. We’ll see how it goes.

This past summer, one of my friends convinced me to join Goals in Motion for their challenge class and it was honestly a really good workout. I went regularly (4-5 days a week) and did weight resistance and kickboxing. Most of the days that I went, I was drenched in sweat and by the end of the challenge, I was pretty impressed with the results.

After the challenge, I took on some extra work and really didn’t have the time to work out. Now that it’s about a month and a half until spring break, I really want to get back into the routine and slim down again.

I don’t think that eating healthy should be a problem because my roommate will be in the maintenance program with me and can force me to eat healthy or make me feel like a pile if I don’t. (She’s good at that.) My obstacle: Vend-o Land in Hamilton Hall. I’m addicted to Cheeto’s.