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Iowa State Daily


Iowa State Daily

Iowa State Daily

Biong Biong, Author

All content by Biong Biong
Iowa State University students voting in Story County can use an Iowa State ID and Access Plus at the polls as forms of identification and proof of residence.

Ames local election breakdown

Biong Biong, Politics Editor
October 12, 2023
President Joe Biden's 2023 State of the Union Address left the GOP clamoring Tuesday.

Who is running for president?

Biong Biong, Politics Editor
October 9, 2023
Former President Donald Trump waves to the crowd before the Iowa Corn Cy-Hawk Series football game on Saturday, Sept. 9, 2023, at Jack Trice Stadium in Ames.

Republicans favor Trump over DeSantis

Biong Biong, Politics Editor
October 5, 2023
Curtiss Hall, located on Central Campus.

Free food and creamery tours: CALS week

Biong Biong, Politics Editor
September 24, 2023
Iowa State's campus is filled with solar-powered trash cans for students to throw items away within every couple steps.

Climate change efforts across Ames

Biong Biong, Politics Editor
September 18, 2023
A presentation on Story County water shed safety is given to the Ames City Council on Jan. 24.

The functions of the City Council

Biong Biong, Politics Editor
September 7, 2023
Iowa's state capitol in Des Moines, Iowa

Local governments face revenue deficit

Biong Biong, Politics Editor
February 23, 2023
A sign outside of Maple Residence Hall reads "Voting Location" on Tuesday Nov. 8, 2022.

Record young voter turnout since 2002

Biong Biong, Politics Editor
November 28, 2022
Iowa State University students voting in Story County can use an Iowa State ID and Access Plus at the polls as forms of identification and proof of residence.

Voters share why they vote early

Biong Biong, Politics Editor
October 23, 2022
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